Building PBL Resources
Ok, so I went to the PBL sessions…now what?? – Lizzy Hartman, Melissa Sand, and Heidi Messbarger – Naviance Lounge
March 2012
Location: Naviance Lounge
Let’s discuss and digest we learned from our full PD day on PBL. You will be given the opportunity to discover what resources you should be using now to start planning a PBL lesson/unit. PBL resources are available online and how easy, with a little searching, those resources can make your planning.
Our goal is to spend most of this time answering your questions and providing guidance for those of you ready to jump into building a PBL lesson. Please be sure to bring your binders and any questions you may have.
March 2012
Location: Naviance Lounge
Let’s discuss and digest we learned from our full PD day on PBL. You will be given the opportunity to discover what resources you should be using now to start planning a PBL lesson/unit. PBL resources are available online and how easy, with a little searching, those resources can make your planning.
Our goal is to spend most of this time answering your questions and providing guidance for those of you ready to jump into building a PBL lesson. Please be sure to bring your binders and any questions you may have.
Online Communication Resources
Online Communications (Vikingmail, Edmodo, Progressbook, and more) - Wednesday, November 30th - Melissa Sand
December 2011Where: Media Center (Main Library)
What: The internet provides so many opportunities to share information and resources with our students sometimes it’s difficult to find the best one to use with the time that you have. This workshop will provide an opportunity to compare a few resources that are not social media sites. Features on Progressbook, Vikingmail/Google Apps, Edmodo, Weebly, and creating QR codes will be discussed. Then will you will have time to start building your own online communications and discuss how other teachers are using these resources. (Please save class documents and graphics that you might want to use on your H: drive or a flash drive.)
December 2011Where: Media Center (Main Library)
What: The internet provides so many opportunities to share information and resources with our students sometimes it’s difficult to find the best one to use with the time that you have. This workshop will provide an opportunity to compare a few resources that are not social media sites. Features on Progressbook, Vikingmail/Google Apps, Edmodo, Weebly, and creating QR codes will be discussed. Then will you will have time to start building your own online communications and discuss how other teachers are using these resources. (Please save class documents and graphics that you might want to use on your H: drive or a flash drive.)